
6895 zhibs









My office is on the ground floor and hers( ) on the first.(省略 is)


Teachers live by selling knowledge and priests( ) by selling spiritual comfort.(省略 live)


Reading means a full man,conference( ) a ready man,and writing( ) an exact man. (省略 means)


Some books are to be tasted,others( ) swallowed,and some few( ) to be chewed and digested.(省略 are)


One can tell the difference almost at a glance for a spider always has eight legs and an insect( ) never more than six.(省略 has)




To some life is pleasure,and to others( ) suffering.(省略 life is)


You must stop,and ( ) at once,this sort of behavior.(省略 you must stop)


They attempted to escape,Jbuf ( ) in vain.(省略 they attempted)


My brothers and I were very poor,but ( ) so happy.(省略 my brothers and I were)


As families move away from their stable community,their friends of many years,their extended family relationships,the informal flow of information is cut oiijand with it the confidence that information zuill he available when needed and voill he trustworthy and reliable.

【参考译文】随着家庭搬离了稳定的社区,离开了多年的朋友以及建立起来的家庭关系网,日常信息的交流就会中断,随着日常信息交流的中断,人们相信在需要的时候将可得到可 信可靠的信息这一信心也会中断。

【结构分析】 As families move away from their stable community,their friends (of many years),their extended family relationships,the informal flow (of information) is cut off,//and with it the confidence(that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable).

此句是由and连接两个分句组成的并列句;在第一段分句中,主语是the…flow,谓语是is cut off,(of information)是介词短语作主语flow的后定语;句首As引导时间状语从句,表示谓语动词is cut off发生的时间。在此从句里:主语是families,谓语 是move away,from…是地点状语,但最需要关注的是三个両线的名词community,friends和 relationships,它们是并列的关系,共同作介词from的宾语;难点在第二段,主语是the confidence,其后的that从句是其同位语从句(里面两个will be是该从句的并列谓语,when needed是第一个will be的时间状语),这一段分句的谓语动词为避免和分句一重复(也是is cut off),被省略掉了;with it则是伴随状语,意为“随着”(it指代前面第一段主句内容)。

