Monkey suit/bathing suit/empty suit 意思是?「suit」英文单词惯用语和用法解析!
如果你有看过追爱总动员(How I met your mother)这部脍炙人口的影集,你一定记得Barney Stinson的口头禅:「Suit up!」
1. Suit yourself 随便你
2. Birthday suit 裸体
3. Suit up
– to put on a suit 穿上西装
– Put on clothes for action 穿上衣服,採取行动
4. Monkey suit
– tuxedo (formal clothes) 晚礼服(正式服装)
– uniform 制服
5. bathing suit
– clothing for swimming 泳装
6. empty suit
– a person who has done nothing to earn their position
7. suits
– high level management 管理高层
– government (negative) 政府(负面意思)
8. lawsuit
– to go to court because somebody feels they are owed something 诉讼(非刑事案件)
9. suit & fit
– fit: it is the right size or shape 合身
– suit: it is right for somebody or makes you look good 适合某人、与某人相称