1. single 单身
2. in a relationship 有伴者:
we’re together / we’re going out / we’re dating 前三个都是我们在交往的意思/ we’re married
ask sb on a date 约会
We’re seeing each other. 在英国很常用,不是太正式的关系,可能还处于暧昧期,但常常腻在一起
An open relationship 开放式关系(有稳定交往的对象,但双方都同意彼此可以再另外找伴)
Cohabiting 同居
3. 称讚女生:
beautiful / gorgeous / stunning / a stunner
4. 称讚男生:
5. 想约对方出去:
通常用Would you开头的问句: Would you want to have dinner with me? 晚餐要一起吃吗?/ Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? 今晚要不要去看电影? / Would you like to go for a drink with me? 要一起去小酌几杯吗?
也可以说Can I treat you to….? 我可以请你…..吗?
6. ask sb out 告白
7. propose 求婚
Have you been up to much什么意思,用法?
Bob’s your uncle是什么意思,bobs your uncle怎么用