
807 互联网





1. Regnant 统治者、掌管者

In the UK, a queen regnant sits on the throne. 在英国,女王是统治者。

2. Terpsichorean 跟跳舞有关的

Anna had hoped that attending Ballet classes would uncover a secret Terpsichorean gift, but unfortunately it did not. Anna本来希望上芭蕾舞课能激发出与跳舞有关的天赋,但结果却不如预期。

3. Clerisy 知识分子

The poet liked to consider himself a part of the rising state educated clerisy. 这位诗人喜欢将自己归类为知识分子的一员。

4. Deracinate 根除、使孤立

You can’t deracinate the entire community in order to make way for your building project. 你不能为了自己的建设计画而让整个社区被孤立。

5. Fuliginous 煤烟的

A fuliginous, black smoke filled the air and choked those who breathed it in. 空气中的黑色煤烟让吸进的人都呛到咳嗽。

6. Oneiromancy 解梦

I completely believe in astrology, but I am not sure if I buy into oneiromancy. 我完全相信占星,但我对解梦持保留态度。

7. Tatterdemalion 破损的、拼接的

These tatterdemalion rags make up the best part of my wardrobe. 这些拼接风格的衣服是整个衣橱裡我最喜欢的。

8. Williwaw 一阵强风(通常形容海边)

She arrived at the cliff edge, greeted by williwaws and claps of thunder. 当她到达悬崖边,迎接她的是一股强风与阵阵雷声。

9. Funambulist 走钢索的人

My father wanted me to be a funambulist like him. 我父亲希望我能追随他的脚步,成为一位走钢索的人。

10. Hypnopompic 半醒半睡状态

Her singing had put him into a strange hypnopompic like state. 她的歌声让他进入奇怪的半梦半醒状态。

11. Opsimath 活到老,学到老的人

My thirst for knowledge grows with age, therefore I think it is fair to call me an opsimath. 随著年龄增长,我对知识的渴求也随之增加,我想我就是个活到老,学到老的例子。

