
2187 JJ


小编摘要:为什么学英语会停滞不前,三天打渔,两天晒网? 当内心充满力量时,坚持一件事并不像想象中的那么困难。导读:如果在某件事上你能每天都坚持,而不是两天打渔三天晒网,那么你将创造出有意义的人生。你能成功减肥塑身,你也能学会一门外语,你还能写完一部小说而这一切只需要你坚持下去!


小编摘要:为什么学英语会停滞不前,三天打渔,两天晒网? 当内心充满力量时,坚持一件事并不像想象中的那么困难。




1、Don't force yourself. 不要强迫自己

This isn't about discipline(纪律,训练,学科)or the torture(拷问,痛苦)of making something you hate happen by brute force. It's about doing something you want to do. So instead of forcing yourself, frame it in a way that makes it something you enjoy doing. A run can be painful drudgery(n. 苦差事, 苦工), or a lovely time clearing your head and enjoying the outdoors. Learning Spanish can be a chore you dread, or a way to enjoy great music, learn about a distant culture, discover new films. Trust me: you won't get very far doing anything if you have to force yourself every day.

2、Gradually increase. 逐步提升

Throwing yourself full force into something might work for a little while, but it also makes it hard to keep showing up every day. Start small, and each day, just show up. Gradually increase what you do, so that each step along the way it still feels easy and fun.

3、Use momentum. 把握势头

Once you've gotten going, use the inertial force to keep going. This again is a matter of how you frame things. Each day, showing up can be like trudging up a hill with weight on your back, or it can be like falling forward down a hill. When I run down a hill, it's almost like I'm falling, except that I keep my feet under me so that I'm falling upright.

4、Remind yourself of what you want. 提醒自己需要什么

You're doing the activity (exercise, language learning, meditation) presumably because you want to do it. When we stop doing something, it's because we've forgotten that we wanted it. We start to fear it for some reason, and try not to think about it. Instead, think about it, but remind yourself of why you started doing it in the first place. That might mean reading some motivational articles, watching some videos that motivate you, looking at some pics that motivate you, referring to a vision in your head. Or just bookmark this article and come back to it every day.

5、Play some music. 听听音乐

When I don't feel like working out, I'll play a song. Yesterday it was Eminems Lose It”. I became so instantly pumped up that I went to the rowing machine and shredded it for 3 minutes and exhausted myself. So maybe that was a bit of overkill. But there's no doubt that it helped me to show up.

6、Stop with the doubts.不要怀疑自己

Everyone has doubts sometimes, but they can either be overcome, or they can stop us from showing up. Do you doubt that you can stick to something for a long time? Forget about the doubt, and just do it. Be sure that you're going to do it at least one more time. When you prove yourself right, make a note of that, and then be sure that you're going to do it one more time. Don't even allow yourself to imagine that you won't.

You might have been a three-day monk in the past — tha's in the past. Today, you are reborn, and from this day on all you're going to do is show up. Can I get an Amen?


