
973 周观凤

To give benefit of doubt”的用法及8个例句

To give benefit of doubt”的意思,是指你在对某人产生怀疑时,因为没有足够的证据,因此仍决定相信对方的清白。而这句话在不同情况下使用,意思也略有不同。


To give benefit of doubt”的意思,是指你在对某人产生怀疑时,因为没有足够的证据,因此仍决定相信对方的清白。而这句话在不同情况下使用,意思也略有不同。

特地整理出了 8 组例句。相信你看过之后,也能将这句话活用在生活及写作中!

依照不同的场合使用,”To give benefit of doubt”有「宁愿放过也不愿错杀」、「姑且相信」、「这次就先放你一马」等意思。以下是一些例句:

ex 1. When Mary didn’t do her homework, the teacher didn’t give her the benefit of doubt and decided to punish her.


ex 2. When she saw her husband talking over the phone very secretly, Samantha gave him the benefit of doubt rather than suspecting him.


ex 3. Even though Sarah was unsure about the claims made by the anti-ageing cream, she decided to give it the benefit of doubt and bought it.


ex 4. Sally’s colleagues are tired of giving her the benefit of doubt whenever she calls in sick. They no longer believe it to be genuine.


ex 5. While narrating her experience with ghosts, Juliet refused to believe it and didn’t bother giving her friend the benefit of doubt.


ex 6. When mother realized that her daughter had developed the habit of smoking, she refused to listen to any justifications and didn’t give her daughter the benefit of doubt.


ex 7. To save a few bucks, Michelle had to give the store keeper the benefit of doubt while buying her new phone from the grey market.


ex 8. When the coach yelled at his team for no reason, they didn’t react as they knew he was disturbed about something and gave him the benefit of doubt that day.


