Becky is a total shopaholic. 贝琪是个不折不扣的购物狂。
She maxed out all her credit cards during the holiday shopping season. 她在年终购物季时把她所有的信用卡都刷爆了。
Shelly’s husband cut up her credit cards after she went on a wild shopping spree. 雪莉疯狂扫货后,她老公就把她的信用卡给剪了。
shopaholic(购物狂)这个单字的概念来自alcoholic(酗酒者)这个字。英文中尚有很多用 -holic 结尾的字,用来形容「对⋯⋯上瘾」。
max out 为「达到上限」的意思,max out one’s credit card 就是「卡刷爆了」。
spree可当动词或名词,为s「没有节制地做某事」,除shopping spree(疯狂购物)外,常听到的连用词还有eating spree(大吃大喝)、killing spree(纵欲杀戮,即在短时间内屠杀多人)等。
Buy one, get one free!
Two for the price of one!
Free samples! 欢迎免费试吃!
Would you like a sample packet? 要不要一包试用包?
We’re having a special on milk today. Buy one, get one free! 我们今天鲜奶有特价,买一送一!
Pork chops are two for the price of one! 猪排现在买一送一!
Buy any men’s shirt and get the second for half price! 男装上衣第二件半价!
Women’s sweaters are half off today! 女装毛衣今天打五折!
All paperback books are 20% off this week. 所有平装书本週都打八折。
Supplies are limited! Get them while they last! 数量有限!赶紧抢购售完为止!
Today is the last day! Don’t miss the sale! 今天是活动最后一天!别错过大拍卖喔!
This is our newest flavor. Everyone loves it! 这可是我们的最新口味,很受大家欢迎喔!
Try it! There’s no need to buy, but one taste and you’ll love it! 试试看!不买没关系,但一吃就会爱上!
If you buy a thousand NT’s worth, I can give you a ten percent discount. 你如果买满一千元,我可以给你打九折。
If you buy another bottle, I’ll throw in a free refill package. 你再买一瓶,我就再送你一包免费补充包。
I can’t give you a bigger discount, but I can throw in free delivery. 我没办法给你更优惠的折扣,但我可以加码帮你免费送到家。
Thank you but I don’t like to eat / drink these kinds of things. 谢谢,不过我不喜欢吃/喝这个东西。
Sorry, I’m not interested. 对不起,我对这没兴趣。
I’m just looking. Thanks anyway. 我只是看看而已。谢谢啰。