due to 用法,due to英文用法解说
due to 用法,due to英文用法解说
due to 用法,due to英文用法解说;当我们想用英文表达「因为」、「由于」的时候,最常用的就是because of 或是 due to 了。但是because of 跟due to还是有些许用法上的差异。
以下说明due to跟because of的差异,due to 用法赶快学起来,下次就不会再搞错萝。
1. due to 修饰名词,because of 修饰动词
(x) The crisis took place due to poor organization.
(o) The crisis was due to poor organization.
due to 用法最常见的句型就是:
名词+ Be动词+ due to
例:The delay was due to heavy traffic. 这个延迟是交通阻塞造成的。
另外because of 的用法如下:
例:The store closed because of heavy rain.因为大雨这店关门了。
close 是动词,而because of 用来修饰前面的动词。
但请注意:这句裡的because of ,不能用来换成due to。
The store closed due to heavy rain.
因为due to 是用来修饰名词,因此上面这句是错的。
所以原本这句错误的句子(x) The crisis took place due to poor organization. 换成because of 就变成对的句子了。
The crisis took place because of poor organization. 因为前面是动词took place,而because of 用来修饰它。
2. due to 的意思近于caused by
due to 的用法跟caused by接近。
例:The delay was due to heavy traffic. 这个延迟是交通阻塞造成的。
例:The delay was caused by heavy traffic. 这个延迟是交通阻塞造成的。
(x)The store closed caused by heavy rain.
这裡用caused by显然不对,所以上述例子不能用due to。
对于due to 用法还有疑问的,不妨看以下影片,会有更清楚的瞭解。
could have,would have,should have 英文用法!